A sign for the business Oddlots HQ
Oddlots HQ
121 Benton St. Aurora, IL
Provide a distinctive, creative and memorable company sign.

I was approached by the principals of the company Oddlots HQ to design and create a sign for their new business. The background information they shared was the business was new, an unusual blending of multiple “platforms” including, Gaming, Maker Space, Art Gallery, Software Architecture, carefully blended to excite people into thinking creatively.

Using old and odd tools I fabricated a sign suggesting the connections available. Three words were communicated early on…Gears, Geeks & Games. The letters formed do in fact spell out…ODDLOTS HQ

The sign is kinetic. Two wooden blocks are balanced on spring wire and move in the wind. The articulated hand with a replacement copper little finger moves in the wind as well. This element was incorporated specifically for “The Geeks”. It’s a “Sine Wave”.


  • Copper & Brass Strip Skeletons.
  • Gears of all sorts some brass, some cast, some machined.
  • Glass Spheres/Marbles.
  • Spring Wire.
  • Walnut Cubes.
  •  HR Steel Rod, Angle, Strip, Tubing.
  • A Round Peg in a Square Hole.
  • Rust Resistant Coating and Sealer.